早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





    “Classthis is David Evans ” Mrs. Parmele introduced him to us trying to give him a warm welcome. We saw a boy in old clothes and shoes. David looked around and smiled hoping somebody would    1   back. Nobody did. He kept on smiling anyway.

I held my breath hoping Mrs. Parmele wouldn’t notice the empty    2   next to mine. She did and pointed him in that direction. He looked over at me as he sat down but I looked away.

 By the end of his first week David was at the bottom of our school’s social ladder. “It’s his own fault ” I told my mother one evening at dinner. “He   3   even knows how to count.”

As I ate lunch with him the next day and listened to him however I realized that David was very pleasant to be around. After lunch I    4   that I would be David’s friend.

One night as Mother tucked me into bed I said “Mom tomorrow is David’s birthday and he’s not going to get anything. Nobody even cares.”

“Don’t worry ” Mom said as she kissed me goodnight. “I’m sure everything will be    5  .”

   At breakfast the next morning I said I wasn’t feeling well.

   “How would you like it if your only friend didn’t show up on your birthday?” Mother asked gently. I thought it over for a moment and then kissed her goodbye.

    I wished David a happy birthday first thing in the morning and his embarrassed smile showed me that he was glad I had   6  .

By mid-afternoon I had almost decided that birthdays weren’t that    7  . Then as Mrs. Parmele was writing on the blackboard I heard a familiar voice singing the birthday song.

Moments later Mother came through the door with a tray(托盘) of cupcakes. She was also taking a    8   in her hand.

Mrs. Parmele joined in. Mother found David looking like a deer in car headlights. She put the cupcakes and the gift on his desk and said “Happy birthday David.”

My friend kindly shared his cupcakes with the class taking the tray from desk to desk. I caught Mother    9   me. She smiled and winked(使眼色).

David Evans moved on shortly thereafter and I never heard from him again. But whenever I hear that familiar song I remember the soft tones of my mother’s voice the    10   in a boy’s eyes and the taste of the sweetest cupcake.

1. A. look         B. smile        C. wave        D. call

2. A. desk         B. box         C.basket       D. bottle

3. A. quickly       B. suddenly     C. hardly       D. probably

4. A. refused       B. guessed     C. regretted     D. decided

5. A. terrible       B. fine         C. easy         D. difficult  

6. A. discovered    B. explained    C. remembered   D. mentioned

7. A. important     B. popular     C. interesting     D. different   

8. A. bag          B. letter        C. card         D. gift

9. A. watching     B. calling       C. pushing       D. encouraging 

10. A. surprise     B. happiness     C. kindness      D. friendship  


1. B 2.A 3.C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B 
