早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.She was talking with a lady.Her son was ill.
2.He will always remember the years.He spent the years in the little village as a child.
3.The clothes have been cleaned.I'm wearing them.
4.He is sitting in a chair.It is broken.
5.Everyone likes to make friends with her.She is a person.
6.Can you tell me the reason?You sold your new car for the reason.
7.That’s the hotel.We stayed there last year.
8.The bus was surrounded by an angry crow.Most of the bus was already full.
9.I’ll never forget the day.We worked together in London then.
10.You sent my sister a present.Thank you very much for it.
1.She was talking with a lady whose son was ill.
2. He will always remember the yearst hat he spent in the little village as a child.
3.The clothes I'm wearing have been cleaned.
4.He is sitting in a chair which/that is broken.
5.she is a person whom Everyone likes to make friends with .
6. Can you tell me the reason why you sold your new car
7. That’s the hotel where We stayed last year.
8. The bus ,Most of which was already full,was surrounded by an angry crow.
9. I’ll never forget the day when We worked together in London .

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