阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选 项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
There was a big tree more than a hundred years old living in the middle of a dry land. It gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers. 1 It acted as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area. However except the big old tree there was no other tree that can offer rest to the people. The tree has a huge trunk with lots of branches which spread the shadow covering a wide space.
One day two travelers were traveling from a distant place and tried to reach a town at the east of the tree. 2 They started their journey from early morning and it was almost mid noon. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore due to the heat. Fortunately they reached the tree. They were very happy to see such a big tree with breezing wind. They decided to take a rest under the tree. 3
They felt hungry and one of the travelers decided to climb the branches to see whether the tree had any fruit. 4 He started cursing (咒骂) the tree owing to his hunger. “Oh this is just a useless tree and it has nothing to feed us not even a fruit or even nuts!It is of no use! ”
The tree said in a sad yet strong voice “You can't be so ungrateful to me. Just look back at the condition when you reached here in the hot and dry sun!I offered you cool and comfortable place to rest.5 I saved your life from the hot sun but you humiliate me! ”
The traveler realized his mistake and apologized to the tree.
A. They were walking for several miles on a hot and sunny day.
B. If Fm not here when you are very tired you would have died now!
C. The tree was at the centre of four different towns.
D. And they slept for some time happily.
E. Since it is not a fruit-bearing tree the traveler was disappointed.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
在一个炎热的天气里,两个旅客从一个遥远的地方来到 树下休息,因为这棵树没有果实,于是一位旅行者就骂这棵 树是一棵无用的树。最后旅行者认识到,是这棵树从炎热的太阳下救了他的命,他应当感谢而不是责骂这棵树!
1. C 根据下文“It acted as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area. ”可知这棵树在不同城镇的 中心。
2. A 下文提到了 “They started their journey. .. due to the heat. ”等,这些与A句在意思上前后承接,语意通顺。
3. DD句是上文“旅客决定在树下休息”所出现的结果。
4. E 上文出现了 see whether the tree had any fruit 下文是“He started. 可知因为“这棵树没有果实”,才被旅客骂。因此答案为E。
5. B本句是树对旅客的教诲,意思符合本段语境。也可用排除法确定此题答案为B.
shelter n.遮蔽 trunk n.树干 disappointed adj.失望的
due to由于 humiliate v.羞辱 apologize v.道歉
They felt hungry and one of the travelers decided to climb the branches to see whether the tree had any fruit.他们觉得饿了,其中一个旅客决定爬上树枝,看看树上是否有果实。
whether和if都可以引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,在口语 或间接引语中两者可以互换使用。whether引导的从句常可 以与连词or或or not直接连用,而if 一般不能。
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