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Dear Editor,
     I am a hard-working girl and want to be the number one in my class.But in the exams,I always make
mistakes that I should have avoided.I really worry about it.What can I do to improve my performance in
                                                                                                                                         Wang Li
      提示:(1) 不要压力太大; 
                (2) 请教老师或同学;
                (3) 考试时合理分配时间并尽量抽出几分钟检查.
      注意:(1) 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 
                (2) 书信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数.
                参考词汇:分配 distribute
Dear Wang Li,
     It's good that you know what prevents you achieving satisfying scores in exams. 
One possible version:
Dear Wang Li,
     It's good that you know what prevents you achieving satisfying scores in exams.But remember,even
the very best can make mistakes sometimes.So,don't put too much pressure on yourself.
     Learning from the errors you've made in the past exams is an effective way to avoid making the same
mistakes next time.If you have problems you cannot solve,turn to your teacher or classmates for advice.
     When you attend the exam,plan how to distribute your time according to the number of questions.
Spare a few minutes to review your work in order that you can spot the silly mistakes.
     Enjoy the challenge each new exam brings.I believe a good learning habit can eventually help you gain

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