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学科网 Mr. Wang
     I’m writing to you to share my opinions about __________________________________________
Best wishes!
                                                                                                Yours sincerely
                                                                                                       Li Hua
Mr. Wang     I'm writing to you to share my opinions about the problem of heavy traffic every weekend at our school gate.     With the development of economy more and more families begin to have cars of their own which contributes partly to the problem. Besides some parents always try to park their cars as close as possible to the school gate without taking anything else into consideration.     In order to solve it I firmly hold the view that some effective measures must be taken. First I think it necessary to call on all the students to go back home by bus or by bike. Second if they have to be picked up by their parents by car they'd better remind their parents to park their cars in proper places. Finally it might be helpful to make students of different grades leave school at different times.      I hope my suggestions will be useful to help solve the problem.     Best wishes!                                                         Yours sincerely                                                                                                                                     Li Hua答案不唯一

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