早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分.)
1.He was filled with fear at the bad news that staff over 40 years old might get laid _________.A.offB.downC.outD.away满分:4 分2.As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to __________ the problem.A.handleB.raiseC.faceD.pose满分:4 分3.I don’t know why she avoids _________ her opinion on the subject.A.to giveB.to be givenC.givingD.being given满分:4 分4.As for how to celebrate New Year's Eve,someone suggested that we hold parties at which we can ________ small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes.A.changeB.exchangeC.shiftD.communicate满分:4 分5.It might not be a perfect solution,but it's the best I can do in the ________.A.environmentB.surroundingsC.circumstancesD.setting满分:4 分6.Never get off the bus __________ it has stopped.A.ifB.as soon asC.untilD.or满分:4 分7.It's _______ to interrupt the others while they are talking.A.roughB.rudeC.politeD.troublesome满分:4 分8.If you want to change for a blue shirt.You’ll have to pay _______ $10.A.anotherB.otherC.moreD.each满分:4 分9.The citizens held a special ________ in honor of the father and the government promised to pay for the rest of the son's schooling.A.destructionB.celebrationC.constructionD.instruction满分:4 分10._________ these honors,he received a sum of money.A.ExceptB.ButC.BesidesD.Outside满分:4 分11.It’s cold outside.You’d better _______ your coat.A.wearB.dressC.put onD.in满分:4 分12.I would rather __________ two weeks earlier.A.you should come hereB.you come hereC.you must comeD.you came满分:4 分13.In order to ________ the disease,the first thing we should do is to do research about it and find out a satisfactory cure.A.confirmB.conductC.controlD.confuse满分:4 分14._______ girl dressed _______ black is her sister Rose.A.A … inB.A … onC.The … onD.The … in满分:4 分15.Every year thousands of lives ________ in road accidents because of careless driving.A.lostB.losingC.have lostD.are lost满分:4 分16.Neither John ________ his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.A.andB.orC.butD.nor满分:4 分17.Why not ______ your teacher for help when you can’t finish ______ it by yourself?A.ask; writeB.to ask; writingC.ask; writingD.asking; write满分:4 分18.Severely crippled in the road accident,he suffered from a terrible consequence:he could no longer stand _________ on the soft sand.A.aidedB.unaidedC.aidD.aiding满分:4 分19.To be a good nurse,one has to be patient,careful,responsible and _________.A.sociableB.generousC.industriousD.ambitious满分:4 分20.Even people of great wisdom find it hard to settle a family quarrel.You'd better not get _________ in the affairs of the couple.A.readyB.businessC.involvedD.busy满分:4 分
A A C B C C B A B C C D C D D D C B A C 望采纳