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Robinson disturbed heroine in leisurely dull the mind, the sea adventure, at the age of 19 regardless of family opposition, private home as a sailor. Encountered storms, he wanted to give up, but once the adaptation, he is determined to continue to take the risk. Not long, and their ships attacked by pirates, pirates Robinson was forced to become the slaves Moore was rescued vessels with Portugal to Brazil, in Brazil run a plantation. In a way to the African slave trade, Robinson encountered turmoil carrying vessels ran aground, only Robinson - who survived living in a desolate and uninhabited islands, and began a 28 2 months and 19 days desert island life. After the initial experience of frustration, according to the lonely no Instead Robinson, but managed to survive, the future was looking forward to rescue the island to leave. He homemade wooden rafts, ran aground after the sinking of the ship has yet to food, gunpowder, tools, etc. transported to the island to prepare for use. He Waterloo canopy structures, hunting fishing, domesticated goats, growing grain-grinding, burning their own pottery, leather slit, do bread, cutting system canoeing. Robinson, overcome all difficulties, to survive on the island, and to keep detailed records of what happened on the island every thing. Later, Robinson, fresh from the hands of rescue Fan life under an indigenous people, to give him the name "Friday." Friday willingly for his slaves, a loyal servant and Robinson Xiangyiweiming companions. Finally, a British vessels in the vicinity to assist the captain Robinson subsided crew mutiny and regain vessels, and finally to leave the island to return to England.

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