早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
以 我亲爱的爸爸妈妈,请您理解我 为题,给父母写一封信(不少于60个单词) 最好再多一点
Suggested questions:
1、 What is the problem that you and your parents cannot agree on with each other?
2、 What’s your opinion about it?
3、 What’s your parents’ opinion?
4、 Why do you want to do so? Try to persuade (说服) your parents.
以 我亲爱的爸爸妈妈,请您理解我 为题,给父母写一封信(不少于60个单词) 最好再多一点
Suggested questions:
1、 What is the problem that you and your parents cannot agree on with each other?
2、 What’s your opinion about it?
3、 What’s your parents’ opinion?
4、 Why do you want to do so? Try to persuade (说服) your parents.
To my parents
My mother and my father,you should understand me.we always cannot agree on with each other,such as study,play,exercises.
I think we should talk with each other more.Because the thing I think is sometime studying,sometime playing.
You think the most important thing is studying.
I want to say this,because I really love you ,Idon't want to argue with you.
If you also love me,please understand me.
your baby
My mother and my father,you should understand me.we always cannot agree on with each other,such as study,play,exercises.
I think we should talk with each other more.Because the thing I think is sometime studying,sometime playing.
You think the most important thing is studying.
I want to say this,because I really love you ,Idon't want to argue with you.
If you also love me,please understand me.
your baby
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