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Life in this world, long in this world, originates from the parents. Is the parents gave us life, is the parents fed us growth. My parents' brought up, we all life should repay. Have 12-kilometer radius well said: "hundred good filial first." Mean, obeying your parents all human good moral character is our most important and accounts for the first character. It is to do children will do it for granted. Our Chinese nation for thousands of years have been having this respect fellow's fine tradition. Ancient buried son in female, abandon officer found mother's story, enough makes people lady-in-waiting unceasingly, whereas the current donate renal saves mother, quit school for mother's story, but also make us extremely touched. Different era, deducing the same theme, that is, the return of obeying your parents parents. ?

我们在日常生活中离不开它.如果我们会英语找工作就容易多了.在电脑上工作的人们,要运用它.如果我们掌  2020-04-09 …

生命的礼物含义是什么?那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着:按照统一的人体  2020-05-17 …

生命的礼物 那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着: 按照统一的人体捐献法规  2020-05-17 …

英语流利的标准是什么?我学的英语没有怎么应用过,但是原来HR面试我,我都能听懂,就是回答起来有点结  2020-05-17 …

阅读短文:生命的礼物生命的礼物那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着:按照统  2020-05-23 …

生命的礼物阅读短文题生命的礼物那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着:按照统  2020-05-23 …

如何理解、会读英文单词?我现在参加工作了,身边全是老外,可是听不懂他们说话,我身边的同事英文都很厉  2020-06-08 …

我因为没写英语作业被英语老师罚抄英语书的六个单元A、B1、B2各抄5遍,如果不抄就叫家长来.我该怎  2020-06-23 …

眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,身高,手臂,腿,脚.英语怎么说,写作文,60字的,帮我写,如果不行,帮我眼  2020-07-06 …

课外文章阅读。(12分)生命的礼物那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着:按  2020-07-12 …