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英语作文 假如你是某英语报社编辑陈丽
参考词汇:TV series(电视连续剧)

Dear Li Shen,
How are you doing? Hope this finds you well.
My name is Chen Li, and I am the editor of XXX. I am writing to you because I read your letter sent to us and I think I can help with your problems.
As far as I know, you are not a student who doesn't care about your studies. I can tell from your letter that you are a serious and ambitious person, and at the same time love your parents. That is the reason why you asked us for help after being blamed by your parents for your addiction to TV series.
What I would like to tell you is that you should not be ashamed of yourself, and get yourself upset all day long. You do understand that your parents love you very much, they just won't see your addiction affect your studies. They care about your future. What you should do is to communicate with them and convince them that you will get rid of your addiction to TV series. You should also focus on your studies as soon as possible. I believe that you can make it and reassure your parents.
If you have any other troubles, please feel free to contact me. It is my pleasure to help you.

Yours sincerely,
Chen Li
Dec 15, 2012

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