早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
1.I have some exciting news _ you.(tell) 2.It will take us a few days _ get there by bike.(get) 3.Your task is _ out the cost by bus.(find) 4.I want _ a room reservation.(make) 5.Miss Wang told us not _ our parents for the money.(ask) 6.Why don't we put on a show _ money.(raise) 7.Kangkang helped us _ the train tickets.(book) 8.I'm looking forward to _ form you.(hear) 9.The plane landed _ (safe) in Beijing at 10 p.m.last night.
1.I have some exciting news _ you.(tell) 2.It will take us a few days _ get there by bike.(get) 3.Your task is _ out the cost by bus.(find) 4.I want _ a room reservation.(make) 5.Miss Wang told us not _ our parents for the money.(ask) 6.Why don't we put on a show _ money.(raise) 7.Kangkang helped us _ the train tickets.(book) 8.I'm looking forward to _ form you.(hear) 9.The plane landed _ (safe) in Beijing at 10 p.m.last night.
1.to tell 2.to get 3.to find 4.to make 5.to ask 6.to raise 7.book 8.hearing 9.safely 7.
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