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英语词组,哪种词后+to do,哪种词后+doing?
可什么词后+to do 什么词后+doing,老爱弄混,拜托帮帮偶,偶快考试了!
1.feel like doing sth. 2.mind doing sth. 3.allow doing sth. 4.forbid doing sth . 5 .consider doing sth. 6.suggest doing sth. 7.like ding something;
enjoy doing something . 8.be uesd to doing .9.be fond of doing .10.make a contribution to doing .11.look forward to doing sth . 12.can't help doing .13.avoid doing sth .14.finish doing sth. 15 .stop doing sth . 16.be busy(in) doing sth . 17.have difficulty in doing sth .18.risk doing sth .19.spend sth (in)doing sth. 20.be worth doing sth. 21.keep on ding sth. 22. be tired of doing. 23.be afraid of doing sth. 24.stand dong sth . 25. care about doing sth .26. prefer doing to doing sth ... ...