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在知道上 看到一段文字 想把它翻译成英文 可惜自己水平不够 所以请各位帮个忙 声明 谷歌翻译什么的就算了
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Many famouse people have said that happiness does not depend on what you get or what social position you have attained,but in the pursuit of becoming better.For an accomplished person,there will only be a new beginning but never an ending.The process if lovely,but the ending is cruel.I believe that everyone wishes to pursuit for something better,and afraid of the cruel reality,therefore we need to enjoy the lovely process.Don't we always say that friends are first and competition second?It is clear that we treasure the process the most,and the result is no longer important.Competition can unite a group of people,and make this group better and more cooperative.Process leds to results,it determines the result,quality and it decides whether improvements are needed as it transcend the result and changes it.Therefore,the process is more important.If we want a good result then we must finish the process well.Process is the determining factor because the results that came after lots of efforts is just a small conclusion.
Many famouse people have said that happiness does not depend on what you get or what social position you have attained,but in the pursuit of becoming better.For an accomplished person,there will only be a new beginning but never an ending.The process if lovely,but the ending is cruel.I believe that everyone wishes to pursuit for something better,and afraid of the cruel reality,therefore we need to enjoy the lovely process.Don't we always say that friends are first and competition second?It is clear that we treasure the process the most,and the result is no longer important.Competition can unite a group of people,and make this group better and more cooperative.Process leds to results,it determines the result,quality and it decides whether improvements are needed as it transcend the result and changes it.Therefore,the process is more important.If we want a good result then we must finish the process well.Process is the determining factor because the results that came after lots of efforts is just a small conclusion.
A、B两容器的形状及尺寸如图所示,A容器中水深8厘米,B容器中水深20厘米把b容器中的水到出A、B两 2020-03-30 …
有甲乙两桶水,如果从甲倒出5分之1的水到乙桶,则两桶水的重量相等.原来甲乙两桶水的比是()算式 2020-03-30 …
季羡林先生所说的两次国外来的水具体指什么一个是从“印度来的水”一个是“从西方来的水”到底是指什么啊 2020-04-09 …
某同学用容量瓶配制NaCl溶液,加水时超过了刻度线,这时正确的操作是()A.把水倒出一些,再准确定 2020-04-12 …
纯净水水是不是导体我想知道、纯净的水到底导电不 2020-04-27 …
有甲乙两个容器,甲容器有1升水,乙容器是空的.第一次将甲容器里的水到二分之一给乙容器,第二次将乙容 2020-05-05 …
一只直径为160毫米的圆柱体玻璃杯中装满了水,把杯中的水到入一个底面积为10000平方毫米,高威8 2020-05-13 …
某同学用容量瓶配制NaCl溶液,加水时超过了刻度线,这时正确的操作是()A.把水倒出一些,再准确定 2020-05-14 …
如图,桌子上有四分之三杯水,小健喝掉三分之一,想把水加满,他拿起另一杯盛满水满水的杯子向第一个杯子 2020-05-16 …
有大小两只圆柱杯子,他们的高都是30cm,当小杯子装满水,大杯子没有水时,把小杯子种的水到入大杯子 2020-06-02 …