早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


When you look at the stars shining in the sky,there will always be some that shine brighter than the reast.So does our childhood.Childhood is a precious memory,without which life can be terrible beyond imagination.It is the memory of childhood that goes through a lot of lonely time with us.
Every time I look back on my childhood,memories will come crowding into my mind.I was born in the countryside.Without any toy,nature was our best companion.In spring,we'd chase after butterflies.Wild flowers spread everywhere in the filed.In summer,we swam in the river that passed through our village,can caught cicada in the trees.In autumn,the most pleasant season,the season of harvest,we could enjoy a lot of fruit.In winter,on the river that froze into ice,we played snow fight happily even if it was snowing heavily.
Childhood is a carefree time of life.From time to time,we will trace back to that perid of time.Now let's close our eyes and think of what we used to do as children,and what interesting things happened at that time.