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根据以上几点总结,得出2008 可口可乐济南地区春节促销策划计划:
主体创意方案为:择2008年最具传统特征的生肖鼠为创意元素,以小时候人们身边能引起对鼠的记忆与情感的一系列故事为创作背景,色彩上选择最能代表中国又同时象征可口可乐的红色为主色调,采用创意插图在设计项目上的应用为主要表现形式.故事主要围绕儿时小老鼠偷油的儿歌(儿歌:小老鼠上灯台,偷油喝、下不来)做出鼠年偷着乐的主打创意主题.鼠年小老鼠不再偷油,他无法忍受可口可乐的深深诱惑,决定偷可乐 ,偷了可乐,暗中窃喜.将可乐和传统情感记忆以及春节融合,通过主题的设定表现可乐的吸引力,并从情感上获得人们新春的儿时记忆,达到情感共鸣,与春节气氛融合并产生趣味感,产生购买欲.
Coca-Cola promotional design,
Plan & creative planning programme
Coca-Cola:a 100-year-old,it has been in China for its combination of local culture of a very successful marketing.New Year:Chinese people in mind the most important traditional festival,summed up the feelings of China.
Chinese consumers:Emotional attention,arouse their emotional resonance of the forms of advertising most likely to move Chinese consumers,and these feelings for the main family,memory,love,moral character.
According to the above conclusion,reached in the 2008 Coca-Cola Jinan Spring Festival promotional planning scheme:
First of all:the overall promotional strategy on the continuation of native culture and the Coca-Cola marketing strategy.2008 with the most traditional Chinese cultural identity of the elements in order to arouse the people emotional memory as the main creative direction of China's consumer sentiment moved through the resonance the way to achieve marketing purposes.
The main programme for the creative:Optional 2008 the most traditional Lunar New Year characteristics of the mice for the creative element to people who can cause a child to control the memory and emotion of the story as a series of creative background,color choices on the most representative of China at the same time another symbol of Coca-Cola Mainly the red hue,creative use of illustrations in the design of the project on the application as the main form of expression.The main story on the childhood of small rodents Touyou the children's songs (children's songs:small rodents on the Menorah,Touyou drink,Xiabu Lai) to make the Rat Touzhao Le main theme of creativity.Rat small rodents no longer Touyou,he could not bear the deep temptation of Coca-Cola,Coke decided to steal,steal a Coke,secretly Qiexi.Coke will be the traditional and emotional memory and the integration of the Spring Festival,the theme set by the performance of Coke attraction,and emotional access to people from New Year's childhood memories,to achieve emotional resonance,and the integration of the Spring Festival atmosphere and have fun sense to buy produce.
Second:combination of the consumption environment,according to the need for different design projects.
Again:a combination of effective promotional tools,such as gift,Rangli sales,sweepstakes,interactive activities,and other ways to achieve further promotion purposes.

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