早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语可要做duty report想找一篇三个人的对话,要搞笑一点的.
英语可要做duty report想找一篇三个人的对话,要搞笑一点的.
The bat,the birds,and the beasts
There was a big fight between the birds and the beasts.The bat did not join in the fight.
Some birds said to the bat,"Come with us." But he replied,"I am a beast."
Later on,some beasts said to him,"Come with us." But he replied,"I am a bird."
At last the fighting ended peacefully.The bat first went to the birds,and wanted to join in the celebration,but they all turned against him.He then went to the beasts,but was also driven away.
There was a big fight between the birds and the beasts.The bat did not join in the fight.
Some birds said to the bat,"Come with us." But he replied,"I am a beast."
Later on,some beasts said to him,"Come with us." But he replied,"I am a bird."
At last the fighting ended peacefully.The bat first went to the birds,and wanted to join in the celebration,but they all turned against him.He then went to the beasts,but was also driven away.
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