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1 .涵盖图中的全部信息;

2 .注意内在的逻辑性;

3 .表达意思要明确。

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2 .考生适当发挥,使文章内容更加充实、连贯;

3 .词数 120 左右;

4 .文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

Environmental Protection Starts from Me

As we all know the environment is








Environmental Protection Starts from Me

As we all know the environment is very important to everyone where we can live comfortably and happily. But now the environmental pollution worries me all the time. What draws my attention is that everywhere is rubbish especially the white waste lying on the ground and swinging in the tree as is shown in the picture. It even causes air pollution and water pollution thus damaging our health. Considering making our life more convenient the shopping plastic bags came into being. But unfortunately we always throw away the rubbish as we like.

Therefore I would say to make our life much better we should have a strong responsibility to protect the environment. So take action from me.

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