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有人建议会议推迟到下周四举行 必须承认,中国是一个发展中国家 莫言的小说很畅销 花需要浇水了 不应该允许孩子一个人在湖里游泳 这本书可以借多久 白天看不见星星和月亮 课本要好好保管 地板每天清扫很多次 5个人死于这场交通事故中 据说他能讲9门外语 电话什么时候发明的 历史是人民创造的 筷子是竹子做的 好像是被动语态,好像是用It is...that造的,快一点,谢谢了.
it is suggested that the meeting (should) delay to next Thursday .
it is acknowledged that China is the developing country.
Mo yan's novels are very popular.
Flowers need watering.
Child should not be allowed to swim in a lake alone.
How long does the book borrow?
Stars and moon cann't be seen in the daytime.
Textbook should be kept carefully.
The floor is cleaned many time every day.
Five persons died in the traffic accident.
It is said that he is able to speak nine foreign languages.
When was telephone invented?
People create history,
Chopsticks are made of bamboo.