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Even since I could walk and talk I was terrified of the basement. My family and I moved into our house when I was five years old. That was when I discovered the basement, I walked down the stairs not knowing what to expect. I got half way down, heard a creaking noise, and ran back up the stairs in terror, I swore I'd never go back down there again, but at age seven my curiosity forced me to try to discover what was the cause of my fright. I cautiously crept down the stairs, gripping my Hah Solo gun tightly. I was determined that nothing was going to stop me this time. I got half way down and heard that same creaking noise again and ran away faster than when I was five. After going through this procedure once a year for the next three years, I finally went to my dad for help. I asked him what was down there. He said, "Your new room I just built for you is down there!" We walked down to my new bedroom together and I found Out that the terrifying noise was just the furnace. I wasn't scared anymore. I was just happy to have my own room.

沿着长江有两个码头,一只游船在两个码头之间航行,逆水速度是顺水速度的二分之三,逆水比顺水航行的时间多  2020-03-30 …

将下列两组词语按照一定的顺序排列1、一道红霞晨曦初露万道霞光红日薄发2、中秋节端午节重阳节除夕元宵  2020-06-08 …

李清照十首诗词要按时间顺序来排列,说诗词的名字就行了切记要按时间顺序排列十首最好能标明是哪个时间段  2020-06-09 …

请问你们能把下面的单词按照词典顺序重新抄写吗有三组题:1、pianoviolinwidemake(  2020-07-23 …

六、填空。1.课文叙述了1937年7月7日卢沟桥事变的经过,揭露了,讴歌了。2.课文按照时间和事情  2020-07-25 …

解益智题2、词的顺念和倒念.在我们汉语词汇中,顺念和倒念都可以成立的词是很多的.如:叫喊——喊叫;问  2020-12-19 …

《我的母亲》一文作者是按时间顺序来记叙的,从文中找出表时间的词语。《我的母亲》一文作者是按时间顺序来  2021-01-09 …

《海燕》写作顺序1)时间顺序、(2)空间顺序、(3)逻辑顺序(是这三个当中的那一个?)  2021-01-09 …

下列说法有误的一项是()(2分)A常见的说明顺序有三种:时间顺序、空间顺序和总分顺序。B《阿长与〈山  2021-01-09 …

判断。正确的打上“√”,错误的打上“×”。(1)“忆江南”是词牌名。()(2)《乡下人家》按照房前屋  2021-01-09 …