早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Storyline:Jon thinks that his roommate is taking advantage of him.
Terri suggests that Jon have a talk with his roommate to get things
Terri:How are things going with you and your roommate?
Jon:Not very well.We're supposed to share the groceries,but I end up
feeding him three meals a day.My grocery bill is huge,you know.I
really can't afford it any longer.
Terri:I know how you feel.I used to have a roommate like that.He never offered to reimburse(偿还,补偿) me for anything.
Jon:I'm really fed up with his freeloading(吃白食,揩油),but I just don't
know how to tell him that he should come up with half the grocery bill,
because sometimes he treats me to a meal in a restaurant.
Terri:Well,honesty is the best policy.Maybe you just want to have a
heart-to-heart,friend-to-friend talk with him.If he refuses to mend
his ways,then ask him to move out.You can't let him wear out his
Terri suggests that Jon have a talk with his roommate to get things
Terri:How are things going with you and your roommate?
Jon:Not very well.We're supposed to share the groceries,but I end up
feeding him three meals a day.My grocery bill is huge,you know.I
really can't afford it any longer.
Terri:I know how you feel.I used to have a roommate like that.He never offered to reimburse(偿还,补偿) me for anything.
Jon:I'm really fed up with his freeloading(吃白食,揩油),but I just don't
know how to tell him that he should come up with half the grocery bill,
because sometimes he treats me to a meal in a restaurant.
Terri:Well,honesty is the best policy.Maybe you just want to have a
heart-to-heart,friend-to-friend talk with him.If he refuses to mend
his ways,then ask him to move out.You can't let him wear out his
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