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“Helix Pomatia Snails是烹制法式蜗牛菜的首选食材,该品种肉质鲜嫩,口味清新为众多食客所喜爱”“
“Helix Pomatia Snails是烹制法式蜗牛菜的首选食材,该品种肉质鲜嫩,口味清新为众多食客所喜爱”“
“我们长期致力于Helix Pomatia Snails的研究和生产,是一家具备养殖和销售资质的公司”
We are a qualified company for snails farming and sales, committed to long-term research and production of Helix Pamatia Snails.
“Helix Pomatia Snails是烹制法式蜗牛菜的首选食材,该品种肉质鲜嫩,口味清新为众多食客所喜爱”
Helix Pamatia Snails are the preferred ingredients for cooking French snails. This variety of snail owns tender meat and fresh taste, much-loved by many diners.
Moreover, we use vegetables and grains (like corn) planted by ourselves as the food source for the snails, the whole production process of which is strictly supervised.
Your restaurant is invited to taste our snails. Your affirmation and notification of the specific time for tasting our food are highly appreciated. Thank you.
We are a qualified company for snails farming and sales, committed to long-term research and production of Helix Pamatia Snails.
“Helix Pomatia Snails是烹制法式蜗牛菜的首选食材,该品种肉质鲜嫩,口味清新为众多食客所喜爱”
Helix Pamatia Snails are the preferred ingredients for cooking French snails. This variety of snail owns tender meat and fresh taste, much-loved by many diners.
Moreover, we use vegetables and grains (like corn) planted by ourselves as the food source for the snails, the whole production process of which is strictly supervised.
Your restaurant is invited to taste our snails. Your affirmation and notification of the specific time for tasting our food are highly appreciated. Thank you.
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