早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
下面的五个家庭都想租房,请根据他们的爱好和需求为他们选择合适的住房。(有一项多余) 小题1:Sam and Kelly are both very busy and they need to live somewhere close to their offices in the city. They do not have any children now, but they would like to have one in the future. Right now, they only have a dog and a cat. Kelly enjoys growing flowers. 小题2:Kate doesn’t spend much time at home. She works a lot in the city. She wants a small place downtown(市中心). There she can get to her office easily and have meals in the nearby restaurants. 小题3:Jack and Nancy have three children. They want to live a quiet life away from the busy city. They are looking for a large building good enough for the kids to play at home. 小题4:Mr. Smith works in the countryside, but his wife and children really like city life. So they’d like a house in the center of the city but not very far from the subway station. 小题5:Mr. and Mrs. Lee think it is a better way of life to live in the countryside. There they can enjoy fresh air and clean water in a calm environment. And their son can play in the open air, with trees and grass all around. But they don’t want to walk a long way to the bus stop. |
小题1:B 小题2:A 小题3:E 小题4:F 小题5:C |
根据五个家庭都想租房,请根据他们的爱好和需求为他们选择合适的住房,要具体问题具体分析。 |
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