早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Hand in hand,heart to heart
in the May 15,my beautiful Sichuan suffered a major earthquake,how many people lost their homes,how many children lost their parents,even our national treasure - the giant pandas,have also been hurt,Since the earthquake,a large number of dead bamboo,so pandas can not fill his belly facing the problem!Winter is already here,Sichuan how many people live in tents?How many people did not quilt cover?However,no matter where we are,we can pray that you,I wish you as soon as possible and rebuild their homes,have a worry-free Another Day in the Life!
Hand in hand,heart to heart
in the May 15,my beautiful Sichuan suffered a major earthquake,how many people lost their homes,how many children lost their parents,even our national treasure - the giant pandas,have also been hurt,Since the earthquake,a large number of dead bamboo,so pandas can not fill his belly facing the problem!Winter is already here,Sichuan how many people live in tents?How many people did not quilt cover?However,no matter where we are,we can pray that you,I wish you as soon as possible and rebuild their homes,have a worry-free Another Day in the Life!
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