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People usually celebrate many traditional festivals, such as Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Lantern Festival and so on. In these festivals, the Spring Festival is still a big event.
People start preparing for the festival a month before. They prepare food, clean and decorate their houses. On the eve of the festival, the whole family get together for a big dinner. People stay up to eat dumplings at midnight for good luck and health. Since China’s reform and opening-up in 1978, our life is getting richer and richer. Some of families begin to choose those traditional restaurants to enjoy their family reunion dinner. Since 1984, the soirees who are CCTV’s is also becoming one of essential elements.
After the first lunar month third day, people go to the temple fairs with their family. Temple fairs are one of traditional activities, too. We cannot only make funny games, eat delicious snacks, bur even if buy some interesting joys.
In all of Chinese mind, firecracker is a must. Because the Spring Festival has celebrated for 15days, therefore, in this period, people set off firecrackers. Its implication firecrackers may drive away the receding year bad luck, to one year pray newly.
Although the local customs are dissimilar, people pray to new one year are similar.

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