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Mascot of the word, derived from the phrase en-Provence, France Mascotto, were not official until the end of the 19th century to Mascotte spelling income from French, English Mascot resulting from Evolution, and Italy will bring good fortune, good luck of people, animals or things.
China is a cultural history in 5000 with countries with ancient civilizations, China's traditional culture on the mascots have deep historical roots, but due to historical reasons, the modern design of the mascot of the value and role can not get enough attention and study, the mascot Design of the areas in the country is also still remain in the relatively shallow stage, some of the graphic elements of mascot development, behind the value of the excavation have broader space. This article hope that the mascot graphic language through the application and innovation of the topic, can the current design of the mascot plays a certain role in the promotion.

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《三字经》的英译本被联合国教科文革组织选入“儿童道德丛书“加以推广。这表明()A.中国传统教育思想  2020-07-29 …

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16世纪至19世纪,传教士向西方广泛介绍了中国的科举制度。……英国历史学家汤因比肯定地认为,英国文官  2020-11-01 …

18世纪中期到19世纪中期……引起了欧洲生产的革命……英国引领了这一历史发展的潮流,取得了技冠群雄、  2020-11-06 …

请帮忙翻译2句英文请帮忙翻译2句英文《滁州世界之醉旅业发展有限公司》、《中国(滁州)世界酒文化旅游博  2020-11-12 …

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17世纪,英国在历史性转变中抢占了先机,率先到达了现代文明的入口,为它在下面两个世纪里傲视全球奠定了  2020-12-24 …

英语翻译《滁州世界之醉旅业发展有限公司》、《中国(滁州)世界酒文化旅游博览区》请帮忙翻译这2句英文世  2020-12-24 …