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绍兴是中国历史文化名城,是著名的水乡、桥乡、酒乡、书法之乡、名士之乡;是"一座没有围墙的历史博物馆",中国五千年文明史,都可以在此找到遗存、得到印证.筑城于公元前490年,是春秋时期140多座诸侯城中6个幸存者之一.历史上曾两度为都.中华民族的立国始祖、治水英雄大禹归葬于此,越王勾践卧薪尝胆、发愤图强于此,书圣王羲之超凡绝伦的《兰亭序》作于此,陆游千古爱情绝唱的《钗头凤》题于此;范蠡、西施、嵇康、贺子章、徐渭、秋瑾、蔡元培、鲁迅、周恩来等等历史人物都哺育于此、根植于此.毛泽东有诗赞:"鉴湖越台名士乡." 绍兴的人力资源厚实.绍兴历来把发展教育、科技作为市策,并已结硕果.当代绍兴籍中科院、工程师院士就有38名,正教授级科技人员近千名.全市现有各类专业技术人员12.3万人,受良好教育的从业人员266.7万人,可为经济社会发展提供各类专业人才.Shaoxing is a historical and cultural city in China,is a well-known fishing village Township,the Town of calligraphy village,billow Township; "A museum without walls" China's 5,000-year history,this can be found in the remains has been confirmed.Fortification in the year 490 BC,is the Spring and Autumn Period more than 140 survivors of one of six city blocks nobility.History to have twice.Founding ancestor of the Chinese nation,water hero Dayu buried here,King Himself restraints salary here,Shu Wang Xizhi terrific explanation for the "Orchid Pavilion Preface" Here,I wrote that eternal love Masterpiece of the "Original Beauty," this; Fan Li.Xi Shi,Ji Kang,chairwoman of the Charter,Xu Wei,Qiu Jin,Cai Yuanpei,Lu Xun,Zhou Enlai and so on historical figures are nurtured here,rooted here.Mao Zedong's poetry in praise :"Taiwan billow more Jianhu Lake Township."Shaoxing human resources thick.Shaoxing has always regarded the development of education,science and technology as a city policy,and has led to great achievements.CAS contemporary home in Shaoxing,academicians have 38 engineers,scientists and technicians is a professor 1,000.The city's existing 123,000 professional and technical personnel,well-educated workers by 2.667 million people,provide for the economic and social development professionals.
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