早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I am graduating from high school this summer. I realize that I am at the best stage of my life to increase my knowledge by systematic study, to learn usefull skills for a solid career. I am full of energy and motivation. I am ready for a busy but satisfying college life.
In my high schools years, I have learned that the United States is a country that has the most advanced technology. The education system there encourages origination and creativity. The freedom people enjoy in the U.S. cultivates a culture that is generating millions of new ideas. Being educated in the U.S. will definitely change my life.
The globalization process is making the earth smaller and smaller. There will be more and more interconnection between different countries, culturelly and economically. Going to college in the U.S. will help me understand a different culture.
I will work hard and take every bit of benefit from the opportunity of studying in the United States. I understand there will be difficulties that I have to face. English language is hard for me. There will be culture shock, homesick. However, I feel I am fully charged and ready to face the challenge.
这是一篇为什么去美国留学的作文 你修改或者就这样交
In my high schools years, I have learned that the United States is a country that has the most advanced technology. The education system there encourages origination and creativity. The freedom people enjoy in the U.S. cultivates a culture that is generating millions of new ideas. Being educated in the U.S. will definitely change my life.
The globalization process is making the earth smaller and smaller. There will be more and more interconnection between different countries, culturelly and economically. Going to college in the U.S. will help me understand a different culture.
I will work hard and take every bit of benefit from the opportunity of studying in the United States. I understand there will be difficulties that I have to face. English language is hard for me. There will be culture shock, homesick. However, I feel I am fully charged and ready to face the challenge.
这是一篇为什么去美国留学的作文 你修改或者就这样交
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