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一般我们写的文章包括口语都有浓厚的"qin glish",非常不地道,而且不符合外国人习惯.在我们国人眼里,一篇文章的开首介绍是很正常,但外国人看来就是废话!所以我想求得,如何写一篇符合外国人思维习惯的学术类文章来?(Academic writting)
When you sit down to write an academic paper, ask yourself these questions:
What do I know about my topic?
Can I answer the questions who, what, when, where, why, how?
What do I know about the context of my topic?
What historical or cultural influences do I know about that might be important to my topic?
Does my topic belong to any particular genre or category of topics?
What do I know about this genre?
What seems important to me about this topic?
If I were to summarize what I know about this topic, what points would I focus on?
What points seem less important?
Why do I think so?
How does this topic relate to other things that I know?
What do I know about the topic that might help my reader to understand it in new ways?
What DON'T I know about my topic?
What do I need to know?
How can I find out more?