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Nowadays, colleges and universities have witnessed that students are increasingly learning two or more degree courses at the same time. In addition to the curriculum in his major, one also chooses other curriculum in another major. Personally , I think two reasons contribute to this phenomenon.
First of all, the contemporary college students are mentally and physically stronger than their fathers. Hence, they are more creative and capable to study more knowledge. Apparently, another reason is the intensive competitiveness of hunting for jobs. Because the rapid development of society raises much higher demands for undergraduate, young people in universities need to choose more degree courses to arm their brains .
Some people think it is useful to help college students to easily find work. With the background of more disciplines, the job hunters are likely hired by enterprises and companies. However, it is argued that it will lead to the poor quality of students' education. More degree courses means less time for rest and relaxation. Therefore, the studying efficiency is not ensured. It depend on the individual and the discipline.
In a word, it has gradually become a trend. In some extent , it means student will have more choice when they find their oppucations.

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