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四卧谓醒心,非时不卧.为调摄身心.或时暂卧.则右胁宴安.不忘正念.心无昏乱.如法而卧也.得有其身,得有其道,非时往而居之哉.无往时之不利 ,难遂禅悟其身之本,无欲无求,无人无我,身之行,乃悟道之根源,难修其境之身,得物之心.
Fulfillment,wake up,the heart does not put meditation,if if yixian,cultivate their hearts,sit into tao,though,is in line for their captivity when endure.When the stand,not lying.Clubs or live lie.The Buddha is forever.As the living.In the four method.Dynamic compliance responsibility.Without law.For four dignity.
Mark the dynamic behavior of the monastery,one step,but has no heart,sit in qing rashness,meditation,difficult to fasten the bodhi,down to the ChanWu,thoughtful for digestion.Often in the heart is three to taste,such as law,and also at the heart of the tao,but the heart into words,positive.
"The two wake,if not,when live,live with live,YuQingShi meditation is uncertain,and the years in Taiwan,the likelihood of perennial supply the mirror.The man said,sighing,widely thought by righteousness.If law and live also.Also true of zen.
Three JiaFu banquet,"bodhi sit sit.Look reality.For insulation.Zhan chengcheng virtual silence.Adjudicates the dignity.If the law.Don't read it,don't read the deep meaning,don't read the enlightenment.
Four lie awake when the heart,"don't lie.To cultivate.Or temporary lie.Is the right flank feast.Don't forget is read.No dizzy.If law and lie too.Must have their body,to have their way,and went to the when.Anyway,hence the disadvantage of the ChanWu,nothing,no,not me,but the root of fulfillment,difficult to repair its borders,the body of the heart.
By the way,the entry to saint means zen,accuse of the saint that yi yi.We keep the and judah,then can participate,outside world,Has the world,we keep on again,and the outside,Outside,we have to keep on again,and then to the exterior,Already,then can toward an considered.first,Then can see only toward considered.first,ancient and modern,and can not only in ancient and is not immortality.

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