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In our modern society, every day our government makes many policies for us. In these policies, we can find many politicians working hard to promote policies. They have to do many speeches to let people know their policies. In fact, many politicians are very successful to make speeches. Today, I will introduce one of the most famous politicians in our world, Barack Obama, and analyze his speeches.
As we know, Barack Obama had made several successful speeches. These speeches and campaign literature are very good at attracting people’s attention. Finally, because of his effectively speeches, many people support him to be the president of the United States.
First, I will introduce the political life of him. Obama was born on August 4, 1961, Hawaii. He moved to Chicago in 1985. There, he started to work on the South Side as a community organizer for low-income residents in the Roseland. After graduated in law school, Obama practiced as a civil rights lawyer, and also helped organize voter registration drives during Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign (Barack-Obama biography). During these years, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans in drafting legislation on ethics, expanded health care services, and early childhood education programs for the poor. Later, he became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee (Barack-Obama biography). In 2000, Obama made an unsuccessful Democratic primary run for the U. S. House of Representatives seat (Barack-Obama biography).However, Obama came back and won the 2004 U.S. Senate Race.
In February 2007, Obama made headlines when he announced his candidacy for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination (Barack-Obama biography). He was locked in a tight battle with former first lady and then-U.S. Senator from New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton. On June 3, 2008(Barack-Obama biography), however, Obama won in the Democratic Party, and Senator Clinton delivered her full support to Obama for the duration of his campaign. On November 4th, 2008, Barack Obama defeated Republican John McCain for the position of U.S. President. On January 20, 2009, Obama became the 44th president of the United States—and the first African-American to hold this office.
From his political experience above, people know he is a very successful speaker. His speeches are always related to people’s interests, such as economic condition, immigration, working opportunity, trade, and the war. Here, I will analyze one speech from Obama. I choose “Barack Obama's victory speech in Chicago” because it almost included the most part of details in his campaign speeches.
Every day our government makes many policies for us in the modern society.In these policies we can find many politicians working hard to promote policies.They have to make many speeches and want peopl...

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