随着科技的发展 电子书和网上读物不断普及 这种阅读方式与传统的纸质阅读有很大的不同 请你就这两种阅读方式的利弊进行比较并谈谈你的看法及对未来阅读方式的预测。
阅读方式 | 电子阅读 | 纸质阅读 |
利 | 很多网上读物免费;查询方便;不浪费自然资源 | 阅读轻松;不伤眼睛;可以在书上做随读笔记 |
弊 | 伤眼睛;必须购置设备;无法做随读笔记 | 需要花钱买书;浪费自然资源 ... |
你的看法和预测 | ( 至少三点 ...) |
注意 : 1. 对所给要点要逐一陈述 适当发挥 不要简单翻译。
2. 字数 150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。
With the development of science and technology e-books and online readings are becoming more and more popular. People nowadays can not only read online but also read on mobile phones and other electronic equipment like i-pad.
With the development of science and technology e-books and online readings are becoming more and more popular. People nowadays can not only read online but also read on mobile phones and other electronic equipment like i-pad. Reading in this way both has advantages and disadvantages.
First of all some of online readings are free of charge. Secondly it is easy to find what you want to read just by typing out key words. What's more e-readings don't use natural resources. But e-books do have their disadvantages. For example they hurt your eyes if you read too long. What's more you have to have a computer and other equipment. What makes matters worse you can't make notes on pages.
Quite opposed to e-reading traditional reading won't hurt your eyes. You can make notes just on pages. Besides that you can keep your books as long as forever. But it costs you money to buy them. And making paper for books wastes natural resources.
In my opinion history makes everything. In ancient times the Chinese people used bamboo books. Maybe in the future we will never have paper books. E-books will be just as convenient.
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