早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear editer,
I am a student in junior 3.I am easy to get nervous before exams .And aslo i can not sleep well.What should i do?
Fang fang
Dear Fang fang,
I know your problems .Here are my suggestions:
Best wishes.
Mr Zhang
Dear editer,
I am a student in junior 3.I am easy to get nervous before exams .And aslo i can not sleep well.What should i do?
Fang fang
Dear Fang fang,
I know your problems .Here are my suggestions:
Best wishes.
Mr Zhang
I heard that you feel very nervous before the exam. I have ever had such kind of feeling. But later I find a way to make me relax. Maybe it suits you too.
You needn't worry about your exam. No matter you behave better or not. You just try your best, that is all. Besides, the aim of exam is telling us how well we learn or not.
It can help us making perfect. So if you don't do well in exam. It means you have to learn more later.
Next, you have to have good rest. And don't review your lessons too much. That may make you feel tired. You just make a plan, and then you may not feel worried.
Wish you have a result in the exam.
You needn't worry about your exam. No matter you behave better or not. You just try your best, that is all. Besides, the aim of exam is telling us how well we learn or not.
It can help us making perfect. So if you don't do well in exam. It means you have to learn more later.
Next, you have to have good rest. And don't review your lessons too much. That may make you feel tired. You just make a plan, and then you may not feel worried.
Wish you have a result in the exam.
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