配对阅读 左栏是五则寻找宠物的启事,右栏是七则宠物招领的启事。请根据左右两栏的信息帮助宠物的主人找到丢失的宠物。
1.Animal LOST5/23/2014 A black cat old and thin. He's about14 years old. Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family. If you see him please call us right away. Posted by: Debbie6424111 2.Animal LOST6/5/2014 Medium short haired all black about two years old ears standing up a very sweet dog. Posted by: Kori3480542 3.Animal LOST5/4/2014 A dog 3 months old. She is brown with white hairs on her chest. Her eyes are greenish colored. Her nose is pink. Posted by: Senia3405442 4.Animal LOST4/30/2014 1/2 years old. She has big ears and white chest with white front legs. She is a small dog and weighs about6 pounds. One of her front legs got hurt so she walks with difficulties. Posted by: Jennifer Tomlinson3607734 5.Animal LOST5/11/2014 Our pet is a small medium white haired 4-year-old cat. She has two big eyes and they are bright green. Posted by: Lauren2407131
| A. I found a cat in my backyard around NW Street on May 11th 2014. It's a small cat with white hairs and big green eyes. Please call Paul Smith at 9503341. B. A wounded(受伤的) dog was found at the corner of my house at Millplain on April 30th 2014. She has white front legs and big ears. Please call me at 9108846. C. A white dog was found in our yard playing with our dog on March 23rd 2014. She is a lovely big dog. There seems something wrong with one of her legs. Adamson at 8024156. D. Our kids found a cat close to our house at SW Alexander Street. It's a black cat. It is old and thin. Please call Gordon at 7768585. E. A cat was found in my garden on April 30th 2014. It's old and thin. Please call Jeff at 8034477. F. A baby dog was found around Kauffman Street. It's about 3-5 months old. She has green eyes and a pink nose. Please call Morrie at 9019968. G. I found a dog at Molalla Area on June 5th 2014. It's a small black dog about 2 years old. Please call Larry at 7058864. |
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