早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


There is such a man,his life although only short 22,but he's done good things but can't count ; he was born poor,but worth every Chinese go and ask him ; he did good things far too many,but never left the name.He is Lei feng.Sister-in-law of tickets lost has ,he on with own of allowance to buy ; rain has ,met hold children of sister-in-law ,he help with hold ,and to raincoat de to children wear ,also to dry food to children eat ; whenever holiday ,others rest of when ,he always to station clean health ,help guests pour water ; comrades of cotton trousers breaking has ,he always quietly to supplement good ; Dang comrades home has difficulties of when ,he secretly to to comrades of name shoestring sth sth He often says :" human life is limited,I want the limited life into limitless service to.” Lei Feng is a hero in my heart,I worship idols.I was young in the new age,is an excellent young pioneers,should learn from Lei feng.Although I was a little,but I can give a seat to the elderly,can help me students need help,can also help the lost little brother,little sister sister home sth teachers often teach our :" do good to start from little things,to start from around bit by bit." The screw bolt is small,just never rusts,can still make a dazzling light.

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