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我的英雄成龙英语作文 120
The first time I saw him have a special kind of feeling,may be his iconic big nose andmy dad was like.A regard him as my idol because every one of his movies are very exciting start,and each film is very hard,there are many thrilling scene.Like:"Police Story",when it finally catch drug from the top shopping centres to jump to the iron rodand slide to the floor."Who I am",he from Rotterdam outside the building slope down.These people are not to do.But it is because these he became my idol.
In fact,recently really know Jackie Chan.We every movie he shot at are very exciting,stimulating,but behind our eyes,hurt many actors,including Jackie Chan,he almostyour body has hurt,but every time he saw the actor injured he will not regard himselfup asked about the actor's injury,the actor's injuring him remorse.This concern for others and it's their dedication,admire the spirit have to let me.Now he was old.The film is relatively small,so for some time,but the time is not wasted,he almost every day not at home,heavy all day,to this lecture,to the charity every day busy public welfare activities,he said:"there is time now,to do more public welfare activities." Youlisten,now what artists can do so,Jackie Chan yesterday to SARS donation 500000,today to the Indonesian tsunami donated 500000,tomorrow do not know which willdonate to million.In addition to these,he also the education of future generations tokeep in mind that we are Chinese,with their own proud of being Chinese,compared to the S.H.E said he was Taiwanese (Taiwanese),a spirit of what?This is the height of the patriotic spirit.These points is enough to make people admire.
He was my idol,will always be my hero,he will encourage more efforts to forge aheadin my future life!
Jackie Chan:I support you forever
第一次看到他我就有一种特别亲切的感觉,可能是他那标志性的大鼻子和我爸爸很像吧.一开始把他当作我的偶像是因为他的每一部电影都很精彩 ,而且每部电影都很玩命,有很多惊险场面.像:《警察故事》里,最后抓大毒枭的时候从商场顶层 跳到铁竿上 然后滑到楼底.《我是谁》里,他又从鹿特丹的大楼外的斜坡上滑下来.这些一般人是做不到的.而就是因为这些 他成为了我心中的偶像.
其实,最近才真正认识成龙.他拍的每一部电影我们看了都很精彩、刺激,但在我们大饱眼福的背后,伤了很多演员、包括成龙,他几乎全身上下全部有伤,但他每次看到有演员受伤他会不顾自己上去关心的问演员的伤势,演员的受伤使他感到自责.这种关心他人 自己又很敬业,这种精神不得不让我敬佩.现在他年龄大了.电影比较少了,所以有些时间,而这些时间不是被浪费,他几乎天天不在家,整天东奔西走,到这讲座、到那慈善会,天天忙着公益活动,他说:“现在有时间了,要多做些公益活动.”你听听,现在有哪位艺人可以这样做,成龙昨天给非典捐款50万,今天给印尼海啸捐50万,明天不知道又会捐给哪~万.除了这些,他还教育后代要牢记自己是中国人,以自己是中国人而自豪,比起S.H.E说自己是Taiwanese(台湾人)来,这是一种什么精神?这是高度的爱国精神.这几点就足够让人敬佩了.

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