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电影翻译与其它文学作品翻译具有共同性,即用形象化的语言、文字来表达形象思维中高超的艺术意境.但电影翻译又有区别于其它翻译的特殊性,即其译文要做到能见之于文,形之于声,达之于观众.而对于影片名的翻译也是如此.由于source language与target language的文化差异,翻译影片名并非易事,而且可以说是一种再创造的过程.王国维在《人间词话》中写道“大家之作,其言情也,必沁人心脾;其写景也,必豁人耳目……”总之,好的影片译名不仅使观众对影片有初步的了解进而产生浓厚的兴趣,而且能给其带来良好的艺术享受.
With the improvement of people's living standard,people's requirements for artistic treat of spiritual aspect are higher and higher.The film attracts hundreds and thousands of audiences as a kind of artistic form of expression of suiting the taste of both old and young,appealing to both refined and popular tastes.Since 1994,in order to change the desolate situation of the market of film,broadcasting and TV parts of film office approve incumbent China Motion Picture Studio MengChen Wu of general manager for to film import latest first-class foreign suggestion of film that office suggest,propose importing 10 films that " basically reflect the outstanding civilization achievement of the world and display the contemporary film achievement " every year.Have a history of 12 years already even to this day,foreign language block English block account for the majority of proportion among them especially,people,while appreciating these " large stretch of " excellent story,performer's consummate artistic skills,enjoy endless aftertastes to some excellent translated names too.
Film translate with other literary works translating commonality of having,come,express thinking in image superb artistic artistic conception with language,characters figuratively.But film translate,have,different from other particularity of interpreter,i.e.its translation should make sure to can be indicated in Wen,Yu Sheng of the shape,ones that reached,to the audience.And the translation to the film name is the same.Because of the cultural difference of source language and target language,it is not an easy thing to translate the film name,and can be said to be the course of a kind of recreation.Kingdom link in " human world notes and comments on poetry " writing " to make everybody,speech its feeling must gladden the heart and refresh the mind even; It writes the scene too,must give up people's ears and eyes ……"In a word,the good film translated name not merely makes audiences have a preliminary knowledge of film then produce the strong interest,and can bring good artistic treat to it.

若对离体的心肌细胞施用某种毒素,可使心肌细胞对Ca2+吸收量明显减少,而对K+、C6H12O6吸收  2020-05-13 …

若对离体的心肌细胞施用某种毒素,心肌细胞对Ca2+吸收量明显减少,而对K+、C6H12O6的吸收量  2020-05-13 …

若对心肌细胞施用某种毒素,可使心肌细胞对Ca2+吸收量明显减少,而对K+的吸收则不受影响.这种毒素  2020-05-13 …

若对心肌细胞施用某种毒素,可使心肌细胞对Ca2+吸收量明显减少,而对K+的吸收则不受影响.这种毒素  2020-05-13 …

若对心肌细胞施用某种毒素,可使心肌细胞对Ca2+吸收量明显减少,而对K+的吸收则不受影响.这种毒素  2020-05-13 …

若对离体的心肌细胞施用某种毒素,可使心肌细胞对钙离子的吸收量明显减少,而对钾离子、葡萄糖的吸收则不  2020-05-13 …

若对离体的心肌细胞施用某种毒素,可使心肌细胞对吸收量明显减少,而对吸收则不受影响。这种毒素的作用是  2020-05-13 …

香烟后面带有过滤嘴,你认为过滤嘴对吸烟者身体造成的影响是A有利于身体健康B会大幅度减少对人体的危害  2020-05-14 …

关于PM2.5的叙述,正确的是()A.大气中直径大于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物的总称B.长期吸入会对  2020-05-16 …

呼吸道不仅能保证气体顺畅通过,还能对吸入的气体进行处理.下列对呼吸道结构和功能的叙述,错误的是()  2020-05-16 …