早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
The vampire is the famous apparition which appeared in the western world, In the west .The legend of the vampire has spread around from the beginning of the history
The bloodsucker is the well-known ghosts and monsters appeared in the western world. In the west, The ledend about bloodsucker has gone around since the beginning of the history.
The vampire is the celebrated monsters of all kinds which took place in the western world. In the west .Since the inception of the history, The story concerning the vampire has already circulated .
The bloodsucker is the distinguished forces of evil /evil spirts that came into occurrence in the western world. in the west Since the initiation /start of history , The bloodsucker tale has been passed down
The vampire is the famous apparition which appeared in the western world, In the west .The legend of the vampire has spread around from the beginning of the history
The bloodsucker is the well-known ghosts and monsters appeared in the western world. In the west, The ledend about bloodsucker has gone around since the beginning of the history.
The vampire is the celebrated monsters of all kinds which took place in the western world. In the west .Since the inception of the history, The story concerning the vampire has already circulated .
The bloodsucker is the distinguished forces of evil /evil spirts that came into occurrence in the western world. in the west Since the initiation /start of history , The bloodsucker tale has been passed down
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