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The Origin of Smoking
吸烟的习惯最早起源于美洲印第安人(American Indian)部落.古代印第安人在举行庄严的宗教仪式时,首领们手执烟斗吸烟,烟从口中吐向四方.这种烟斗被称为卡梅特烟斗,是用白腊木做杆,饰以兽毛鸟羽,还使用一些大理石材料等.使用这种烟斗是头领的特权,是高贵的象征.
真正把吸烟习惯带回欧洲的当属英国人沃尔特·雷利爵士(Sir Walter Raleigh) (1552-1618).他在游历南美时学会了吸烟.由于英国上层社会对此鄙视,他只好暗地在家抽烟.甚至他的仆人也不知他在干什么,弄得满屋子都是烟,还以为是屋里着了火.这个仆人急忙向他泼水救火.此事传扬开后惊动了英王伊丽莎白一世.于是伊丽莎白一世召见雷利爵士,饶有兴味地观看他的吸烟表演.从此吸烟之习渐兴,发展成为英国上层社会的时髦习俗.1618年,雷利爵士病危时,还吸了一袋烟,才离开人世.后来,众多平民百姓也喷云吐雾,吸烟之风日甚,并流传到其他各国.除了烟草(tobacco),雷利爵士还把马铃薯带到英国,后来传到世界其他地方.
据统计,当今全世界共有11亿烟民,每年要抽掉6万亿支烟,每年有100万人死于吸烟或与吸烟有关的疾病.因此越来越多的国家对吸烟进行限制.瑞典(Sweden)于1983年5月1日颁布了世界上第1个禁烟令.世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,简称WHO)决定自1987年开始,把4月7日“世界卫生日”定为戒烟日,要逐步消除始作涌者雷利给我们留下的祸患.
a chain smoker一支接一支抽烟的人
a heavy smoker烟瘾大的人
drive a nail into sb’ s coffin原指吸一支烟(或喝酒)就等于在棺材上钉了一根钉子,意思是,烟酒可促人早死.
smoke like a chimney(吸烟像烟筒一样)烟瘾极大
The habit of smoke cigarette originated American tribe of Indian(American Indian) at the earliest stage.Ancient Indian while hold solemn religious rites,the leaders hand keeps pipe smoking,the smoke vomits from to everywhere.This kind of pipe is called card plum pipe especially,do a pole with the white wax wood,the decoration also uses some marble material etc.with the monster hair bird feather.Usage this kind of pipe is the privilege of leader,is a noble symbol.
In 1492,Columbus(Columbus) after discovering New Continent,some Spain(Spain) with Portugal(Portugal) sailor smoke cigarette of habitually bring back Europe,but is see by the European as the heresy vulgar practice,so difficult ascend a greatly graceful hall,do not become common practice spirit.
Real bring back smoking habitually be of Europe belong to British fertile Er especially ·thunder benefit jazz(Sir Walter Raleigh).(1552-1618)He mastered smoking while travel over South America.Because the British upper-class society despises this,he has to secretly to smoke at home.Even his servant also doesn't know him at the stem what,make all of houseful sons be smokes,also thought to be in house to catch fire.This servant quickly splashes water to fight a fire toward him.This matter disturbed Ying Wang2 Yi Li2 Sha Bai2 Yi Shi4 after spread open.Hence an a life time of Elizabeth summons thunder benefit jazz,the Rao has cheerful flavor ground watch him of smoke cigarette performance.The Xi from now on smoked cigarette is gradually cheerful and the development becomes the fashionable custom of British upper-class society.In 1618,when the thunder benefit jazz be critically ill,also absorbed a bag of smoke,just leave human life.Afterwards,numerous civilians and common people also smoke cigarette,the breeze day of smoking very,and spread other all countries.In addition to tobacco(tobacco),the thunder benefit jazz still takes the potato to England and afterwards spread to other places in the world.
Now England produce of cigarette(cigarette) sell world-wide locations,with"555" brand cigarettes most is well-known.

急!英文高手来帮下忙请将下列文字翻译成英文请务必不要使用翻译软件谢谢既然如此,是否我们就该对吸烟行  2020-06-18 …

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吸毒严重危害人体健康与社会安宁,是世界的一大公害。摇头丸是国家严禁的一种毒品,化学式为C9H13N,  2020-10-31 …

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调查某社区50岁以上有吸烟习惯的和患慢性气管炎的情况其中205名吸烟者中有43人患慢性气管炎134名  2020-12-24 …

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