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Since the 1980s, China's reform and opening-up policy, the financial sector for the development of a strong injection of vigor and vitality. China's state-owned commercial banks in this period has gone through from scratch and go from strength to strength and standardize the process and interpretation of a vibrant chapter in the reform. After more than two decades of reform and development of China's banking sector, the state-owned commercial banks to improve the operating efficiency of state-owned commercial banks to expand the size of the increase to strengthen the management of state-owned commercial banks and promote the reform of state-owned commercial banks and some state-owned commercial Even the reform of the banking market. However, the listing of state-owned commercial banks operating in a number of issues remain, particularly in corporate governance issues. In particular, after China's accession to the WTO, in the face of many large foreign commercial banks in the competition, as well as China's financial opening up, foreign banks into China, and China's state-owned commercial banks to compete, China's state-owned commercial banks, corporate governance issues has become Particularly prominent. Corporate governance issues will be conducive to China's state-owned commercial banks to increase the competitiveness of China's state-owned commercial banks to promote the rapid development.

面对“电荒”,专家建言,政府可以通过法规的制定,规定电力企业必须承担电力储备的义务,并运用法律法规  2020-07-01 …

国务院将遏制重复建设、化解产能严重过剩矛盾工作,列入地方政府政绩考核指标体系,并对违法违规建设、产能  2020-11-20 …

“在确定的日期内,同时组织大规模的国际性的示威游行,这样,在世界各国和各个城市,在规定的同一天,劳动  2020-11-23 …

填空题。(1)律诗属于近体诗,讲究,要求诗句字数整齐划一,一般有几个字说几言,通常每首分别为五言、七  2020-11-27 …

为切实减轻中小学生过重课业负担,2009年3月5日,无锡市教育局、无锡市人民政府教育督导室联合发文《  2020-12-06 …

某地方政府决定对国有企业和国有控股企业的经营者依据企业生产经营规模和经营业绩实施年薪制,其年薪最高不  2020-12-16 …

某地政府决定对国有企业和国有控股企业的经营者依据企业生产经营规模和经营业绩实行年薪制,其年薪最高不得  2020-12-16 …

国务院总理温家宝2009年2月25日主持召开国务院常务会议,审议并通过物流业调整振兴规划,物流业是融  2020-12-26 …

国务院总理温家宝2009年2月25日主持召开国务院常务会议,审议并通过物流业调整振兴规划,物流业是融  2020-12-26 …

罗斯福新政期间通过的工业复兴法,要求各企业制定关于生产规模、价格水平等的公平经营章程,其目的是A.加  2021-01-07 …