早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
my favourite vacation
my favourite vacation would be the one last summer when me and my family drove to Banff in Alberta. We packed everything we needed for the trip in the trunk of the car. we packed up hot dogs, sleeping bag, tent, lot of snacks, our clothes, and 25 bottles of water and drove all the way to Banff it took us four days.
it was my favourite vacation because usually i don't spend a lot of family time with my parents or my brother. but after this trip, we had a lot of fun. on the way i listened to music, read novels, talked to my parents and played with my brother. but the best part of the trip was when we arrived in banff. we rented two rooms with this old lady, she made us delicious breakfast and she was very nice. the house was very old but very vintage. i liked the style and mostly i liked it because it was very comfortable. during the day, we went out to travel the sites. banff is beautiful. it is truely a natural phenomenon. there were a lot of lakes, trees, and black bears. from all the site seeing, i learned a lot about canada's landscape. also, it was really fun babysitting my brother all day long. during the night, me and my mom strolled the downtown street of Banff. we went in stores and bought a whole bunch of souvenirs.
it was an amazing trip.
my favourite vacation would be the one last summer when me and my family drove to Banff in Alberta. We packed everything we needed for the trip in the trunk of the car. we packed up hot dogs, sleeping bag, tent, lot of snacks, our clothes, and 25 bottles of water and drove all the way to Banff it took us four days.
it was my favourite vacation because usually i don't spend a lot of family time with my parents or my brother. but after this trip, we had a lot of fun. on the way i listened to music, read novels, talked to my parents and played with my brother. but the best part of the trip was when we arrived in banff. we rented two rooms with this old lady, she made us delicious breakfast and she was very nice. the house was very old but very vintage. i liked the style and mostly i liked it because it was very comfortable. during the day, we went out to travel the sites. banff is beautiful. it is truely a natural phenomenon. there were a lot of lakes, trees, and black bears. from all the site seeing, i learned a lot about canada's landscape. also, it was really fun babysitting my brother all day long. during the night, me and my mom strolled the downtown street of Banff. we went in stores and bought a whole bunch of souvenirs.
it was an amazing trip.
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