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用英语写一份假期打工经历拜托各位了 3Q
试用所给的短语,写一篇100词左右的短文.1.keep on asking lay parents for money 2.learn the value of money 3.get along with others 4.find it~good preparation for / get prepared for 5.get a little bit working and social experience 短文开头已为你写好:Nowadays it is not unusual for many students to find part-time jobs.
My summer vacation Nowadays it is not unusual for many students to find part-time jobs.We mostly because of intrest .In my view,vacation is on vacation with so many homework to do .And,there is nothing intresting to do.My best friend tell me he will take a part work during his summer vacation and he asked me whether i would like to go with him.Since my birth ,I have kept on saking money form my parents .I think I should ues my vacation to take a part time work .Then I can learn the value of money.Work is not easy ,nothing is easy adsolutely.It is also very hard to keep wake up early every morning.You must be careful and responsible during your work.A month passed away quickly.I finished my work perfectly.During my work ,I know a lot of new friends ,I have leart how to get alone with different person.What is more,I get a little bit working and social experience.It can help me get prepared for my future work.此文章是你姐写的

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