早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
South Vietnam (then protectorate of the U.S.) launched an ill-fated attempt to take the Paracel Islands from China in 1974.After a brief naval battle,the South Vietnamese naval expedition force left behind several sunken ships and a bunch of stranded marines to be captured by China.South Vietnam's call for help from the U.S.was unanswered.
Now fast forward 37 years,China is probably ten times stronger than it was in 1974 and the biggest creditor to the U.S.Vietnam is not exactly on friendly terms with the U.S.Its pitiful call for help from foreign powers,is a reflection of its weak position in this dispute.For Vietnam,the least embarrassing route to resolving the dispute on Spratly Islands may be a diplomatic one.
South Vietnam (then protectorate of the U.S.) launched an ill-fated attempt to take the Paracel Islands from China in 1974.After a brief naval battle,the South Vietnamese naval expedition force left behind several sunken ships and a bunch of stranded marines to be captured by China.South Vietnam's call for help from the U.S.was unanswered.
Now fast forward 37 years,China is probably ten times stronger than it was in 1974 and the biggest creditor to the U.S.Vietnam is not exactly on friendly terms with the U.S.Its pitiful call for help from foreign powers,is a reflection of its weak position in this dispute.For Vietnam,the least embarrassing route to resolving the dispute on Spratly Islands may be a diplomatic one.
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