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    Visiting famous universities during summer holidays is gaining popularity among high school students.



Visiting famous universities during summer holidays is gaining popularity among high school students.In recent years many high schools have been organizing visits to famous universities during summer holidays. Obviously it is beneficial for us high school stuendts. Firstly it is a good way to relax ourselves which is good for us both physically and mentally. Secondly by visiting those famous unversities we can get to know more about them and can  experience the academic atmosphere there. Moreover these visits can inspire us to set higher goals and arouse our enthusiam to work hard at our lessons. However the visits can have negative impacts on parts of the universities. Too many visitors on the campus can disturb the normal school life there which is a great pressure for the universities concerned. Furthermore it may cause safety problems as well. In my opinion visiting universities suring the holidays is a good idea but we must make sure it does not become a burden for the universities.

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