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(Should high school students work during their summer holidays.)
Should high school students work during their summer holidays.
Time is extremely valuable for a high school student,so you should take a good consideration before you arrange your summer holiday.It becomes a issue whether or not we should we work during summer holidays.
In my eyes,the problem means differently to different situations.
To thoses excellent stduents who have no worries about their lessons I suggest them to go out to work.Through the work you could get in touch with the society ,practise your character and gain experience of life.Also you could make some poket money.
While to the students who can't keep up with the lessons,I think it is not so fit for them to go out to work,they should spend more time on the lessons,we know the most important thing for us during this period is not the money you can earn from the work in this moment but the final exam you need to face in future.
That is how I think of the issue.

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