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Prevention and control of air pollution is a huge system engineering, need individual and collective, national, and even the joint efforts of the world.I don't think it is a simple way to solve the air pollution, but people can through to save energy and reduce harmful gas emissions in vehicles and coal-fired power plants to achieve the goal of reducing pollution.To reduce emissions in the first place.Reform the energy structure, use more pollution-free energy such as solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power and low pollution, such as natural gas.Second, site selection, design of chimney, urban and industrial planning should be reasonable, don't emitters excessive concentration, repeated superposition don't cause pollution, formation of local serious pollution incident.Third, greening afforestation, make more plants absorb pollutants, reduce atmospheric pollution.In addition, the prevention and control of air pollution is a huge system engineering, need individual and collective, national, and even the joint efforts of the world.
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