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Love plays a very important role in this world.With the increasing modernization of society,relationship between people are becoming looser and looser.It is difficult to imagine what they would be like if there were no love for each other.Love is the caring and concern,and understanding of other people and the acceptance of their strengths and weaknesses.To love and to be loved is the one true happiness in life.
The love for your parents is an exceptionally special love.This love,as any other sincere love,must be honest and be shared by both parents and children.Children can always share their happiness and sadness with their parents.The love of parents is a great support in their children’s lives.I t will remain with them and help them overcome all difficulties and make them feel secure.The children’s love for their parents is the best reward.
The love of friends is always important to us.There is hardly anyone who can live without friends.When we grow up and leave home,friends take the place of parents.The love of friends may endure for all of our lives.Even though we may not have the opportunity to visit each other,it may be kept alive over many years by correspondence.

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两篇非常简单的法语作文.1,我爱法国.2,我爱法语5到6句话就行.我爱法语或我爱法国.注意是法语的哦  2020-11-11 …

写一篇小学升初中的很短的自我介绍,内容包括:爱好、简单介绍自己的情况,不要外貌.先起一个头:我叫XX  2021-01-08 …