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近年来 ,随着我国加入WTO,整个行业关注的焦点从几年前热衷于对物流概念和理论的探讨,转到了对运作管理和物流技术的有效运用方面,这从一个侧面说明了物流配送领域的迅速发展.科学技术的快速发展,有效解决了信息流、信息交换、商流、商品所有权的转移?和资金流、支付的问题,从而将商品及时地配送到用户手中,完成商品的空间转移.因此,现代科学技术必将成为物流配送发展的有效推动力,使城市化物流中心从生存走向真正的发展.
In recent years,along with our country join WTO,the whole profession pays attention to of the focus falls overboard for the study to the logistics concept and the theories from several year agos,turning to explain a logistics to go together with a quick development of sending the realm towards operating management and logistics ising technical validly making use of aspect,this from an on the side.Science technical fast development,solved an information to flow effectively,the information exchange,the company flow,transfering of merchandise ownership?Flow with funds,the problem for paying,go together with merchandise in time to send to a customer hand thus in,complete a merchandise of the space transfer.Therefore,the modern science technique will become a logistics to go together with valid motivation of sending the development necessarily,making the city turn logistics center to head for a real development from the existence.