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  1、图尺度考核法(Graphic Rating Scale,GRS):是最简单和运用最普遍的业绩考核技术之一,一般采用图尺度表填写打分的形式进行.
  2、交替排序法(Alternative Ranking Method,ARM):是一种较为常用的排序考核法.其原理是:在群体中挑选出最好的或者最差的业绩表现者,较之于对其业绩进行绝对考核要简单易行得多.因此,交替排序的操作方法就是分别挑选、排列的“最好的”与“最差的”,然后挑选出“第二好的”与“第二差的”,这样依次进行,直到将所有的被考核人员排列完全为止,从而以优劣排序作为业绩考核的结果.交替排序在操作时也可以使用业绩排序表.
  3、配对比较法(Paired Comparison Method,PCM):是一种更为细致的通过排序来考核业绩水平的方法,它的特点是每一个考核要素都要进行人员间的两两比较和排序,使得在每一个考核要素下,每一个人都和其他所有人进行了比较,所有被考核者在每一个要素下都获得了充分的排序.
  4、强制分布法(Forced Distribution Method,FDM):是在考核进行之前就设定好业绩水平的分布比例,然后将员工的考核结果安排到分布结构里去.
  5、关键事件法(Critical Incident Method,CIM):是一种通过员工的关键行为和行为结果来对其业绩水平进行业绩考核的方法,一般由主管人员将其下属员工在工作中表现出来的非常优秀的行为事件或者非常糟糕的行为事件记录下来,然后在考核时点上(每季度,或者每半年)与该员工进行一次面谈,根据记录共同讨论来对其业绩水平做出考核.
  6、行为锚定等级考核法(Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale,BARS):是基于对被考核者的工作行为进行观察、考核,从而评定业绩水平的方法.
7、目标管理法(Management by Objectives,MBO):目标管理法是现代更多采用的方法,管理者通常很强调利润、销售额和成本这些能带来成果的结果指标.在目标管理法下,每个员工都确定有若干具体的指标,这些指标是其工作成功开展的关键目标,它们的完成情况可以作为评价员工的依据.
Performance evaluation methods:
1, realistic evaluation method:
are going to the scene and make observations ,surveys while recording it in any type of data

2, the absolute evaluation method
according to the grade level and using positive and negative and other methods as a standard method
3, the relative evaluation method
this method is ranked individuallly compared to another one, then ranked.
The main methods are:
1, a map scale assessment ( Graphic Rating Scale): one of the simplest and the most common used .normally using a map scale form for scoring
2, Alternative Ranking Method :
is a more commonly used sorting assessment method. The principle is: pick the best or the worst from the goup an compare it.and then pick out the" second good" and the" second worst"and so onwill give you the results.
3.Paired Comparison Method:
it is a more detailed sorting out between 2 people, so that each one and the other people were compared and ranked.
4, Forced Distribution Method:
they're ranked before they're tested and been put int different groups
5, Critical Incident Method:
it is a kind of method through the critical behavior and behavioral results on its performance to the level of performance evaluation methods normally by the one in charge ,he will record their behavior and will check every half year .
6, Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale:
Based on the assessment to be working behavior observation, assessment, and evaluation method of performance level.
7, Management by Objectives:
it is a modern method that the management is usually emphasized profits, sales and cost of these can bring results of outcome indicators. In the method of management by objectives, each employee have identified several specific index, these are the successful key target, their completion can be used to evaluate the staff's basis.

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