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礼拜六有个口语考试...考官可能会问10个问题 2-3句话就行了...简单点的句子...
1.Please talk about your interest and hobbies.
2.I've already interviewed another person for this position who looks perfect.why should I hire you?
3.How is your capability of studying?
4.What is your ideal job?
5.what kind of books are you in favor of reading?
6.What is your major?Please talk about it briefly.
7.How would you describe your own personality?
8.Talk about a person that you admire best?
9.What course do you like best?Why?
10.If one outstanding company and another small company want to employ you at the same time,how will you choose?
1. I have a lot of hobbies. For example, I like reading, painting and singing in my spare time.2. Because I have focused on your company for a long time, and I konw more about this position than other...

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